Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sept 3 Pod Shapes Sketch

Brought my paints to Good Harbor Beach so I could be with the crowd. I'm playing with shapes and color. I started out trying to go with the dried Pod colors but I ended up adding high contrast color.
This piece is acrylic on paper and is 12 inch square.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Sept 1 Foxglove Seed Pods

Here we go, Day 1 of the Leslie Saeta 30 paintings in 30 days Challenge.
So far I have posted my image with my name spelled wrong and posted with the incorrect blog address. No, this isn't my first time participating in this challenge. I do get so excited that I rush and then make mistakes. Yes, I am excited about this 30/30 challenge because my paintings always improve by the time I'm finished.
I've been working on Pod Paintings all summer. I will continue this them for the month.
This piece, Foxglove Seed Pods, is acrylic on paper and is 12 inches square.